Quality assessment and awarding

3. Analysing the results

The results obtained by the QAA module highlight the achievements that characterize a given code repository, and point developers or code owners to those specific parts where quality can be improved. Thus, the ultimate goal is to increase the overall quality of the code so that the software product takes credit.

The results view shows a report detailing the validity of the criteria covered during the assessment. This validity is estimated on the basis of the results and criticality provided by the individual subcriteria. This means that only the subcriteria with the highest level of criticality is considered for the criterion's overall success.

The codes that identify the subcriteria are aligned, as stated throughout the docs, with the A set of Common Software Quality Assurance Baseline Criteria for Research Projects document.

Awarding (aka Badges)

Reporting is complemented with awarding when the software being analysed reaches a minimum level of quality. This is based on the fact that, similarly to the subcriteria covered above, not all the criteria have the same level of importance. We have previously established those levels in the Badging in EOSC-Synergy.

Whenever the assessed code repository has reached any of the required levels of quality, a digital badge will be displayed on top of the report as shown in the next image: