Quality assessment and awarding

2. Triggering the Assessment

Running a quality assessment for your code repository is a quite straightforward task, you just need to provide its URL and click on "Start Assessment" button as follows:

The state of the assessment will be displayed in the popup that appears once started. Once finished successfully, you will be taken to the results view.

There are two main stages it will go through, 1) the pipeline creation and execution, 2) the validation of the results. The former relies on the core functionality provided by the Pipeline as a Service in order to compose and run a pipeline with all the supported quality criteria. The specific tools and commands to run are built upon the SQAaaS tooling metadata.

Once having the results from the pipeline, the next step is to validate the obtained results. This task is done with the aid of the SQAaaS reporting component, a plugin-based tool that parses each output and estimates whether each quality criterion (as well as associated subcriteria) has been successfully fulfilled by the code being analysed.


Current customization boils down to the specification of a different code repository for the documentation, other than the one that hosts the code. This is a common practice, so in case that your docs-as-code are not maintained in the same repo as the code, be sure to add this URL by clicking on the *"External repo for documentation?" checkbox: