• FL in the AI4EOSC platform (demo)



    FL in the AI4EOSC platform (demo) - Judith Sáinz-Pardo Díaz (CSIC)


    Services for AI/ML development

    Training: federated learning

    • Collaborative and decentralized approach to build ML models.
    • No need to centralize a dataset.
    • Management of experiments through platform dashboard.
    • Participating clients both within AI4EOSC platform or external (with authentication).



    Client-server authentication

    • Simplest configuration: clients only need to enter the deployment ID where the server is deployed to join the federated learning training.
    • An authentication system (using tokens) for clients prior to their incorporation into the federated training has been implemented.
      • Vault has been adopted for storing the tokens.
      • The FL server retrieves a list of authorized tokens for client authentication from Vault and checks the token provided by the clients.
      • Users can manage the tokens (add or revoke).
    • Some extensions to the Flower library to work alongside Vault have been implemented.
    • Some modifications to the Flower library to manage the credentials have been performed.

    Federated learning in AI4EOSC

    GOAL: classify chest X-Ray images according to whether or not the patient has pneumonia.

    We divide the initial train data into 3 clients. Stratified train-test random split: 75% train, 25% test.

    Model: multi-layer convolutional network implemented using keras.

    This part of the course is very practical so most of the information comes from watching the video.