The ScipionCloud service
In Section 1 you have learnt what the Scipion framework is and how it can help structural biologists to obtain high resolution volumes from electron microscopy images. Section 2 has shown what the EOSC ecosystem offers to European researchers, including a federated cloud infrastructure for computing.
ScipionCloud is the combination of the two, offering a cloud virtual machine with the Scipion software installation ready to be used to start processing your data.
In this section you will learn how to request or deploy your ScipionCloud infrastructure and how to make the best use of it.
The service has to be deployed in one of the EOSC cloud sites to run and there are two ways to proceed. For the INSTRUCT-ERIC research infrastructure users the service can be requested from the EOSC marketplace and deployment will be done through the Virtual Organization. Other users can deploy the service through the Infrastructure Manager once they have been enrolled in a Virtual Organization that has been granted access to some cloud sites in the EOSC cloud infrastructure.