• 2. How to execute benchmarking workflow

    OpenEBench ecosystem is composed by set of autonomous platforms and services well crosslinked to offer a integrated benchmaking platform. However, they well can be consumed independently, as they acomplish independent functionalities.

    • OpenEBench Web Portal. The main landing page centralizing the access to all OpenEBench services and data. It integrates both, technical and scientific benchmarking platforms. 
    • Virtual Resarch Environment (VRE). The online workspace for organizing and participating to scientific benchmarking events and challenges.
    • Tools Observatory. The web portal that focuses on aggregated statistics of bioinformatics tools and services.
    • Web Components A catalogue of web-based widgets to easely embbed OpenEBench benchmarking data and results into external web sites.

    During this course, we are going to use the Virtual Research Enviroment component. Once a benchmarking process is executed (with its benchmarking events and challenges), the community behind it can decide to make the results public through the OpenEBench Web Portal. The OpenEBench Virtual Research Environment enables the organization of OEB benchmarking events and the participation to them. The platform is a cloud-based computational e-infrastructure that triggers the execution of the Benchmarking Workflows associated to each event or challenge.

    Before executing a benchmarking workflow, the community needs to create the Benchmarking event and the Challenge in VRE.