• Step 4

    Access your cluster

    In this step we will still use the Infrastructure Manager to retrieve the credentials needed to access our access by ssh. Supposing that you have already Check-in into the tool, the next action is to click on “Infrastructures” at the top of the page.

    Figure 1. Your list of available infrastructures

    If you click on “Outputs”, a pop up window will show you the main endpoints to start using your kubernetes cluster:

    • api_endpoint: Endpoint where to send the kubernetes control commands.
    • dashboard_endpoint: Graphical endpoint for cluster management.
    • kubeapps_endpoint: Graphical endpoint to easily install kubernetes applications. 

    Figure 2. Kubernetes cluster endpoints

    As you can currently access only by IP, a browser warning will appear when you try to access any of the endpoints. Just ignore this until DNS is configured at FE.

    You can also access the FE node by ssh, click on the node ‘0’ under the column VMs and download the ssh private key for the already configured user “cloudadm”. To connect using the command line, save the file in a private location and use:

    $ chmod 600 key.pem
    $ ssh -i key.pem cloudadm@<your-fe-ip-addess>

    You should be able to use kubectl from the FE to apply complex commands.