• Openstack dashboard access

    This part of the course focuses on explaining how to properly log into the Openstack dashboard. This will allow you to obtain the credentials necessary to access Openstack using the Python client.

    1. Go to https://dashboard.cloud.muni.cz/ and log into your account through the EGI Check-in option.


    1. You will be taken to a new window to select the institution you will use to log in. Go through the login process using the credentials from the institution you selected.


    1. The EGI Check-in access confirmation window will appear for the selected login method. Press the "AUTHORISE" button to proceed.


    1. If the login was successful, the Openstack dashboard should show up.


    1. In order to be able to connect the Python client to Openstack, you need Openstack infrastructure credentials. Select "API Access" on the left and then "View credentials" on the right.

