5. RDM service delivery
To support researchers in managing their data, your organisation will need to provide a range of RDM services, such as infrastructure to support data storage, discovery and preservation. This module introduces the RISE (Research Infrastructure Self-Evaluation) model: a benchmarking tool designed to facilitate RDM service planning and development at an institutional level. The RISE model describes 21 capabilities, distributed across ten research data support service areas.
By the end of this module, you will:
- Understand the different types of RDM services which your institution or organisation may need to provide.
- Be able to use the RISE model to plan and develop your RDM services.
This module will take approximately 1 hour to complete.
Watch a video about RDM service delivery (10 min).
Learning activities
Using the RISE framework for guidance, you will now carry out a short assessment of the Research infrastructure and support provided by your organisation. For this exercise, you will not complete the full RISE assessment, instead you will focus on just two areas: Training and Data Management Planning.
Please work through the worksheet and for each capability:
- Read the requirements to meet each level 0-3 and identify what level your organisation is currently at.
- Identify what level is realistically feasible and desirable for your organisation.
- Where the desired level is higher than the current level; consider what steps will your organisation need to take to achieve the desired level? Including any challenges you might face whilst working towards your desired level.
Full instructions for the activity have been included within the worksheet.
If you wish to complete the full RISE assessment, you can find the full framework and guidance on the digital curation centre (DCC) website.
Learning resources